Recycling to Start at the Lauren

On Monday, January 4, 1993, all residents of the Lauren Condominium are asked to begin recycling newspapers, glass, cans and plastics.
The Board of Directors, along with a committee of owners and the manager, are unanimous in our commitment to having the condominium conserve resources and protect the environment while, at the same time, imposing the least inconvenience on all of us in the building.


Newspapers will be collected by building staff in front of your door every Thursday morning between 9 and 10 o'clock. The newspapers should be tied in string or placed in a paper or plastic grocery bag.
If you want to dispose of your newspapers more often, please take them to the garage and deposit them in the recycling bin near the main door to the automobile ramp. Such papers do not have to be tied or bagged. (Fire safety regulations do not allow the deposit or storage of paper in the trash chute closets.)
Glass, Cans, Plastic Containers                  
Take all glass, cans, and plastic containers (plastic #1 and #2) to the trash chute closet on your floor and deposit them in the bin that will be provided there. To avoid attracting rodents and insects and to prevent odors, make sure to rinse out all containers before leaving them for pickup. for reasons of space, crush plastic gallon containers.  
Building staff will pick up these items daily and store them in the recycling bins in the garage. A truck operated by our regular trash-removal service will pick up the recyclables once a week at a nominal cost. The recycling facility will separate the glass, cans, and plastic containers.    
Please, please do not leave large items outside the trash-chute closet. Carry them to the basement and leave them outside the trash room.
We look forward to having everyone's participation in this effort and welcome suggestions for improving the system as we go along.
-Walter Krolman, Manager 
-The Board of Directors 
-The Recycling Committee
December 1992 (Original Release)