From: Washington
Post Post Points Travel See Local Art at Art Museum of the Americas, March 24 to June 6By Michael O'Sullivan
Opening next week is one such show. Called "Corridor" (after the Baltimore-Washington corridor), the exhibition will spotlight the work of 12 locals -- six artists from Charm City and six from Washington. The twist here is that the participants have acted as their own curators of sorts, with three "seed" artists from Baltimore (Bernhardt Hildebrandt, Soledad Salame and Joyce J. Scott) each selecting three more from D.C. (Martha Jackson Jarvis, Phil Nesmith and Jeff Spaulding) and three from Baltimore (Oletha DeVane, John Ruppert and Sofia Silva). The three D.C. artists then invited another three from Washington (Brandon Morse, Michael Platt and Susana Raab), bringing the total to 12. Got all that? If not, stop by the museum Thursday, March 24, for an opening gallery talk from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., explaining how the whole thing worked, followed by a public reception for the artists. "Corridor" will remain on view through June 26. The museum is open
Tuesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission is free. |