ANC 2B Dupont Circle Neighborhood NEWS

From: Vince Micone <

May and June 2003 Actions Summary

Due to the resignation of our Staff Coordinator, Brian Peach, we haven't been able to produce a timely monthly  meeting summary.   (Congratulations to Brian, who is off to Europe for graduate studies.)   Below is a list of actions taken by the Dupont Circle ANC during these meetings.  We will begin publishing a more timely, short meeting summary again in July.

Public Safety Issues

-- ANC 2B heard testimony from various DC government officials on efforts to improve the 911 system.  (It was subsequently learned through The Washington Post that Inspector Ira Grossman, who directed the 911 call center, was demoted and transferred.)
-- During the 911 presentation, it was noted that citizens may call 727-1600 to report suspected safety-related fire code violations to the Fire Marshal.
-- ANC 2B voted to support a proposal to consolidate and redraw the Police Service Area (PSA) boundaries to create a new PSA 305 for the Dupont Circle and Sheridan-Kalorama neighborhoods.  This proposal would consolidate 3 districts and 8 PSAs.  ANC 2B voted to request that the 1500 blocks of S, T, & U Streets, NW, and the 2300 block of N Street, NW, be added to the proposed PSA 305 so that the the PSA boundaries will be contiguous with the boundaries of ANC 2B.

General Items

-- Former Councilmember John Ray provided a presentation on legislation which would authorize a new contract for street furniture (i.e., signs, bus stops, etc.).  The ANC took no action on the proposal.
-- ANC 2B voted to support the annual Capital Pride Parade, including parking restrictions on the parade route and a one-day ABC license for the 1700 block of Church St., NW.
-- ANC 2B heard an update from the Heather Brophy, Ward 2 Transportation Planner, on the Dupont Circle Parking Task Force Report.  Ms. Brophy noted that the Department of Transportation is resuming action on the report and will work with ANC 2B on related issues.  Commissioner Mitten was assigned the lead role on behalf of the ANC.
-- ANC 2B voted to move its meetings to a wheelchair accessible location at the DC Jewish Community Center (16th and Q Streets, NW) beginning with its July meeting.
-- ANC 2B authorized a short-term contract for administrative support, pending the selection of a new Executive Director.  ANC 2B also authorized the execution of a contract for the position of Executive Director upon completion of a search.
-- ANC 2B voted to request that the recently-installed meters on the north side of the 1600 block of T Street, NW, be removed and replaced with Residential Parking Permit parking.
-- ANC 2B voted to provide testimony in support of legislation to increase the homestead tax deduction.
-- ANC 2B voted to send a letter to the property owner at 1420 17th Street, NW, reminding the property owner to follow trash disposal laws.  (2B04)

ABC Issues

-- ANC 2B approved a voluntary agreement to address issues of concern related to Ben n’ Mo, 1225 Connecticut Avenue, NW.  (2B05)
-- ANC 2B withdrew its protest of the ABC license renewal for Lauriol Plaza, 1835 18th Street, NW.  Commissioner Giese will work with neighbors and the applicant to address issues of concern outside of the ABC protest process.  (2B08)
-- ANC 2B voted to protest the renewal of the ABC license for Paradise Liquors, 1900 14th Street, NW.  Residents cited trash, sales of single servings of alcohol, and loitering as issues of concern.  ANC 2B authorized the negotiation of a voluntary agreement to address these concerns.  (2B09)
-- ANC 2B supported an application by The Meeting Place to expand by 167 seats and for live jazz music.  (2B05)

Public Space Issues

-- ANC 2B held a special meeting to proactively address issues related to the management of the Public Space application process.  Though invited, no one from the management  of the Public Space Committee was in attendance.
-- ANC 2B voted to protest an application by Ben n’ Mo for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 1225 Connecticut Avenue, NW.  The applicant withdrew this request.
-- ANC 2B voted to send a letter to the Public Space Committee outlining comments on an application by Olives for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 16th at K Street, NW.  The Commission opposed this application several years ago, but it was approved over the ANC’s objections.  The Public Space Committee, in its order, required that the ANC “coordinate issues” with the Office of Planning.  ANC 2B requested that the sidewalk café be reoriented so that it is closer to the building and that a sunset provision be established for the café.   (2B05)
-- ANC 2B voted to oppose an application by Legends for an enclosed sidewalk café at 2157 P Street, NW.  (2B02)
-- ANC 2B voted to support applications by Soho for unenclosed sidewalk cafés at 1501 M Street, NW, and 1901 Pennsylvania Avenues, NW, contingent on the applicant’s agreement to not place logos on the sidewalk furniture.  (2B05 & 2B06)
-- ANC 2B voted to support an application for benches, lighting, and bollards by International Square at 1850 K Street, NW.  (2B05)
-- ANC 2B voted to support an application by Oodles Noodles for an unenclosed sidewalk café at 1120 19th Street, NW, contingent upon 12 feet clearance for pedestrians between the café and any sidewalk obstructions such as tree boxes, etc.  (2B06)

Zoning Issues

-- ANC 2B voted to support an application by the Embassy of Portugal for an expansion at 2012 Massachusetts Avenue, NW, for a chancery entrance facing P Street.  The ANC’s support was contingent upon an agreement that the Embassy would not request diplomatic parking on P Street, trees would remain or be replaced with trees of the same minimum caliper, and that the Embassy name a neighborhood liaison.

ANC 2B Commissioner Information

2B01 - Rob Halligan, 319-1313, 
2B02 - Vince Micone (Chair), 607-8429,
2B03 - Bob Meehan (Treasurer), 234-5151,
2B04 - Darren Bowie, 483-3504,
2B05 - Carol Mitten, 682-0300,
2B06 - Stuart Dwyer, 659-5229,
2B07 - Irv Morgan (Vice Chair), 265-8575,
2B08 - Major Giese, 232-5018, 
2B09 - Ramon Estrada, 251-8849, 

Advisory Neighborhood Commission 2B meets on the second Wednesday of each month. There is an open forum at each meeting for discussion of issues not on the regular agenda. For further information, call (202) 296-7333 or email
